44th ISM Presidium Meeting 2016 in Brisbane (Australia). Details

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Last update:2021-06-24

1. Call to order

ISM President, Dr Andrew Jarosz, called to order the regular meeting of the ISM Presidium on 12 September 2016 at 3:30pm in the Arbour Room (A1) of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.

The meeting started at 3:30pm on 12 Sep 2016 at the location as above.

Dr Jarosz welcomed all attendees and thanked them for coming to Brisbane. He also expressed special thanks to the Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors for hosting and sponsoring this event, as well as, to Callum McNaughton and Chris Moy for their personal involvement as the Congress Chairs.

2. Roll call

According to the signed attendance list the following persons were present (in alphabetical order):

Donovan Andersen (m), Norbert Benecke (m), Zengfu Bian (m), Tatiana Dashko (g), Elena Ezima (g), Yadon Galen (g), Bingnan Hu (g), Alina Kshanovskaya (g), Huang Leting (g), Erik Ludvigsen (m), Callum McNoughton (g), Chris Moy (g), Miroslav Novosad (g), Anatoly Okhotin (m), Gareth Powell (m), Axel Preusse (m), Sayyad Sayyadkosimov (g), Tazabek Tashmuratov (g), Stanislav Topalov (m), Yunjin Wang (g), Martin Vrubel (m), Dana Vrublova (g), Zou Youfeng (m), Alexander Zagibalov (g), Guo Zengzhang (m), Shaoliang Zhang (m).

Note: Presidium members are designated with letter “m”, honorary members with letters “hm” and guests with letter “g”

The original signed list of attendees is included as the Attachment







