Position:Home > ISM Commissions > Commissions lV > 2010 Activities

The Minutes for 2010 Meeting of Commission IV can be downloaded here.

The 2010 Report of Commission IV can be downloaded here.




1. Event

The 2007 meeting of Commission IV.

The 2007-2010 Report of Commission IV.


2. Time

June 23, 2010.

September 9, 2010.


3. Place

Szczyrk, Poland.

Sun City, South Africa.


4. Organizers

Commission IV of the International Society for Mine Surveying.


5. Agenda

5.1. Introducing of the new Members and acceptance; Membership activity.

5.2. Best practice in the prediction of land subsidence – technical discussion.

5.3. Technical papers registered to the XIV ISM Congress - discussion of publishing possibilities.

5.4. Important subjects for the next work plan of the Commission.

5.5. Miscellaneous.


6. Report

6.1. List of 2007-2010 meetings of the Commission IV.

6.2. During the last 3 years 5 new members joined to the commission and 4 members have resigned.

6.3. The work plan of best practices in deformation prediction was developed.

6.4. Some ideas for the activities of the commission 4th in the next 3-years period such as publication of good practices in deformation prediction, development of good practices for deformation measurements.