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ISM Commission I



The Commission l is involved with education, legal issues, web-presentation, history.




Prof. Zhengfu Bian

Vice-President of the China University of Mining and Technology

Xuzhou, China




National Delegate : presidium, commission 1



Prof. Arkady Nikolayevich Shabarov

Director of the Reserch Center of Geomechanics and Mining Problems of St. Petersburg Mining University





National Delegate : commission 1



Dr. Jan Blachowski (Nominated, to be confirmed)

Head of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Wroclaw, Poland




National Delegate : commission 1



Prof. Shaogang Lei

Professor at  the China University of Mining and Technology

Xuzhou, China




National Delegate: commission 1





Senior Eng. Li Jinzhu

Quignianou Road, Hepingli 100013 Beijing CHINA




National Delegate (active): commission 1



Dr. Zhang Yuzhuo

Qingnlanguo Road 100013 Bejing CHINA

+86 10 64485358

+86 10 84261671


National Delegate (active): commission 1



Prof. Li Yongsheng

1239 Siping Road 200092 Shanghai CHINA

+86 (0)216583300

+86 (0)2165988885


National Delegate (active): commission 1, 4




Pro. Shi Jinfeng

Liaoning Technical University 47 Zhonghua Road 123000 Liaoning/Fuxin CHINA

+86 418 3350111

+86 418 2828772


National Delegate (active): commission 1



Prof. Jin Fengxiang

Shandong Science & Technology University 223 Daizong Str 271019 Shandong/Taian CHINA

+86 532 86057109



National Delegate (active): commission 1



Dr. Jan Blachowski

Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

15 Na Grobli st. 50-421, Wroclaw POLAND

+48 71 320 68 75



National Delegate (active): commission 1



Prof. Zou Youfeng

Henan Polytechnic University  CHINA




National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1, 4 , 6



Doc. Dipl.-Ing. Milan Mikolas, Ph.D.

VSB-TU of Ostrava Institut hornickeho inzenyrstvi a bezpecnosti 17. listopadu 15 70388 Ostrava – Poruba CZECH REPUBLIC

+420 597 323 179

+420 596 916 752


National Delegate (not active): commission 1



Ass. d. Markscheidefachs Andreas Welz

Bezirksregierung Arnsberg Goebenstr. 25 44135 Dortmund GERMANY


+49 (0)231 541045150


National Delegate (passive): commission 1



Dr. Ing. Ralf Schulte

Wuellnerstr. 2 52062 Aachen GERMANY

+49 (0)241-809-5689

+49 (0)241 809-2150


National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 3



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Preuße

Wuellnerstr. 2 52062 Aachen GERMANY

+49 (0)241-809-5687

+49 (0)241 809-2150


Honorary member, National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1, 2, 6



Dr. Stefan Stocks

Föhrenbrink 36 D-59339 Olfen GERMANY


+49 (0)2595 971623


National Delegate (passive): commission 1



Prof. Dr. Zsolt Somosvari

University of Miskolc Faculty of Mining Engineering Miskolc - Egyetemvaros 3515 HUNGARY

+36 46 366-111

+36 46 365-111


National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 4



Dr. PhD. István Havasi

University of Miskolc Head of the Department of Geodesy and Mine Surveying Miskolc-Egyetemváros 3515 Miskolc HUNGARY

+36 (0)46 565 111

+36 (0)46 565 070


National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1



Mr. Vitaliy Mamrov

Coal Division JSC Ispat Karmet 40 Let Kazakstana Str. 13 470051 Karaganda Karaganda KASAKHSTAN




National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 2




Dr. Halim Setan

University Technology Malaysia Faculty of Geoinformation Science & Engineering 80990 Johor Bahro MALAYSIA




National Delegate (passive): commission 1



Prof. Dorj Dondov, Ph.D

Technical University of Mongolia P.O.Box 46/87 Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIA




Honorary Member of ISM (active): presidium, commission 1



Dr. Ing. Erik Ludvigsen

NTNU, Department of Geology and Bergteknikk 7034 Trondheim NORWAY

+47 (0)73594847

+47 (0)72871924


Honorary member of ISM National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1, 2



Dr. Aleksandra Wagner

AGH-University of Science and Technology  Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND

+48 (0)12-6172256

+48 (0)12-6331014


National Delegate (not active): commission 1, 5



Dr. Jadwiga Maciaszek

AGH-University of Science and Technology  Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND

+48 (0)12-61744-81

+48 (0)12-6331014


National Delegate (not active): commission 1



Dr-ing. Piotr Trzcionka

ul. Poniatowskiego 31 40-956 Katowice POLAND

+48 (0)32-2511471

+48 (0)32-2514884


National Delegate (not active): commission 1




Mr. Artur Krawzyk

AGH-University of Science and Technology  Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND




National Delegate (not active): commission 1



Mr. Artur Krawzyk

AGH-University of Science and Technology  Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND




National Delegate (not active): commission 1



Mr. Arkady Navitny

State Agency for reorganizastion coal mines 121889 Moscow RUSSIA




National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1



Ing. J. Foltyn

Slovensky Bansky urad Prievoszka 13 83900 Bratislava SLOVAKIA




National Delegate (passive): commission 1



Prof. Dr. Min. Eng. Ranko T. Todorovic

University of Ljubljana Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Dep. of Geotechnology and Mining Engineering 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA

+386 (0)61 1704612

+386 (0)61 1704610


National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 2, 3, 4



Mr. Michael Livingstone-Blevins

Institute of Mine Surveyors of South Africa P.O.Box 62339 2107 Marshalltown SOUTH AFRICA

+27 83 308 2476



National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1




Professor Fred T Cawood

School of Mining Engineering University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg Private Bag 3 2050 WITS SOUTH AFRICA

+27 11 717-7418

+27 11 339-8295


National Delegate (active): commission 1, 2



Prof. N. Y. A. Azarov

Director of the Ukrainian State Res and Planing 219 Tcheluskintsey Str. 121 Donetsk UKRAINE




National Delegate (passive): commission 1



Dr.-Ing. SA Medyantsev

Institute of rock mechanics and mine surveying (VNMI) Ukrainian Branch UKRAINE




National Delegate (passive) : commission 1



Dr. Gareth Powell

School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan Llantwit Road, Treforest CF371DL Pontypridd UK

+44 (0)1443482113

+44 (0)1443482169


National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 1, 4



Prof. Frank Hart, P.E., P.S.

School of Engineering Technology and Computer Science Bluefield State College ABET Fellow 2176 River Oaks Drive Salem, VA 24153 USA

+1 540-589-8463



Honorary Member of ISM National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 4








National Delegate (passive): commission 1