ISM Commission lll
The Commission lll is involved with instruments, mine surveying measurements, mining cartography.
Chair |
Prof. Jörg Benndorf |
Director of the Institute of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology |
Freiberg, Germany |
|| |
National Delegate : commission 3 |
Co-Chair |
Dr. Jian Wang |
Director of the Intelligent Space Information Studio, Shandong University of Science and Technology |
579 Qianwangang Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China |
|| |
National Delegate : commission 3 |
Co-Chair |
(Open for application) |
National Delegate : |
Secretary |
Dipl.-Ing. Jing Li (Nominated, to be confirmed) |
Institute of Mine Surveying and Geodesy, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology |
Freiberg, Germany |
|| |
National Delegate: commission 3 |
Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Benecke |
DMT GmbH&Co, KG |
+49 201 172-2012 |
+49 201 172-1971 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 3 |
Prof. dr. Reshat Kuka |
Faculty of Geology and Mining |
+3554364496 +355682121320 |
+355 4 364496 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 3, 4 |
As. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Reinfried Pilgram |
Montanuniversität LeobenFranz-Josef-Str. 18 8700 LeobenAUSTRIA |
+43 (0)3842-402222 |
+43(0)3842-402223 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 2, 3 |
Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Topalov |
University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski Mine Surveying and Geodesy Dept. 1700 Sofia BULGARIA |
+359 2 8060 296 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1,3,5 |
B. C. L. S. Keith Errington |
2454 Hayseed Close V7H 1N5 North Vancouver, BC CANADA |
+1 604 929-3975 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): commission 2, 3 |
Prof dr. Adam Chrzanowski |
NB E3B 5A3 Fredericton CANADA |
+1 506 453-5149 |
+1 506 453-4943 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 3, 4 |
Dr. Chongke Feng |
South Survey Instruments Ltd.Co. Vice General Manager 84 Xi An Men Str. 100034 Beijing CHINA |
+86 10 66069973 |
+86 10 66073867 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 6 |
Prof. Wenbo Wu |
Liaoning Technical University Science & Research DepartmentDirector47 Zhonghua Road123000 LiaoningCHINA |
+86 418 3350141 |
+86 418 2828772 |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Jingxiang Gao |
China University of Mining & Technology Science & Research Departmen 221008 Jiangshu, Xuzhou CHINA |
+86 516 3884 4756 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Changsheng Zhao |
Jiangsu Normal University Survey Engineering Institute Jiangshu/Xuzhou CHINA |
+86 516 3500259 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Mr. T.N. Wang |
Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd.Co. 8/f Grand Central Plaza, Tower 2 138 Shatin Rutal Committee Road Sha Tin, Hong Kong CHINA |
+852 2607 7888 |
+852 2687 2322 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 6 |
Dipl.-Ing. Vaclav Mikulenka , Ph.D. |
VSB-TU of Ostrava Institute of Geodesy and Mine Surveying 17. listopadu 15 70833 Ostrava-Poruba CZECH REPUBLIC |
+420 597 328 589 |
vaclav.mikulenka |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dipl.-Ing. Jiri Blaha |
Coal Services a.s. V.Rezace 315 43467 Most CZECH REPUBLIC |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dipl.-Ing. Petr Stanislav |
Coal Services a.s. V.Rezace 315 43467 Most CZECH REPUBLIC |
+420 476 205 371 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Blin |
Coal Services a.s. V.Rezace 315 43467 Most CZECH REPUBLIC |
+420 476 202 526 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 4 |
Dr. Ing. Ralf Schulte |
Institute for Mine Surveying, Mining Subsidence Engineering and Geophysics in Mining at the RWTH University of Aachen Wuellnerstr. 2 52062 Aachen GERMANY |
+49 (0)241-809-5689 |
+49 (0)241 809-2150 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 3 |
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Busch |
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Mine Surveying TU Clausthal Erzgasse 18 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld GERMANY |
+49 (0)5323-722076 |
+49 (0)5323-722795 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Kittlaus |
RWE Power AG Tagebau Inden Dürwisser Str. 52234 Eschweiler GERMANY |
+49 (0)2403 994 62100 |
+49 (0)2403 994 1465 |
| |
National Delegate (passive): commission 1, 3 |
Mr. András LÁDAI |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Teaching assistant Müegyetem rkp. 3. H-1111 Budapest HUNGARY |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Mr. Zoltán TÓTH |
Geomontan Ltd. Engineer Hosszúsétatér 1. H-8007 Székesfehérvár HUNGARY |
36 20 4100605 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Master Purevdorj Davaabayar |
Erdenet Co. LTD Chief MIne Surveyor MONGOLIA |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Dr. Jan Pielok |
AGH-University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND |
+48 (0)12-6172256 |
+48 (0)12-6331014 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 4 |
Dipl.-Ing. Tomasz Bialozyt |
Przedsiebierstwo Miernictwa Gorniczego ul. Lesmiana 13 40-576 Katowice POLAND |
+48 (0)32 256 56 08 |
+48 (0)32 2516 902 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 4 |
Dr. Mieczystaw Jozwik |
AGH-University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND |
+48 (0)12-6172256 |
+48 (0)12-6331014 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dr. Wojciech Jaśkowski |
AGH-University of Science and Technology Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow POLAND |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Univ. Prof. Dr. Ing. Octavian Herbei |
University of Petrosani Faculty of Mine - Surveying and Construction Department Str. Universitatii No 20 2675 Petrosani ROMANIA |
+40254544996 |
+40724216326 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Mircea Beldea |
National Hardcoal Company S.A. 2 Timisoara Street 2675 Petrosani ROMANIA |
+40-254-542003 |
+40-254-541865 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Mr. Iosif Moldovan |
National Hardcoal Company S.A. 2 Timisoara Street 2675 Petrosani ROMANIA |
+40-254-542003 |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Mr. Iosif Lucaci |
National Hardcoal Company S.A. Petrosani Str. Timisoara nr. 2, jud Hunedoara, cod. 2675 ROMANIA |
+40-254-542003 |
National Delegate (passive): commission 2, 3 |
Dr. Murat G. Mustafin |
VNIMI 82 Sredny pr 199106 St.Petersburg RUSSIA |
(812)3289028(add 199) |
(812)3219594 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3, 4 |
Dr. Vyacheslav N. Yakovlev |
Institute for Mine Surveying Ural State University Kujbyshev-Str. 30 620144 Ekaterinburg RUSSIA |
+7 343 2573264 |
+7 343 2577445 |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Ass.Prof Dr.Sci. Milivoj Vulic |
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Chair for Mine Surveying and Applied Geophysics Askerceva 12 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA |
+386 1 470 46 28 |
+386 1 427 20 28 |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Dr. Min. Eng. Ranko T. Todorovic |
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Dep. of Geotechnology and Mining Engineering 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA |
+386 (0)61 1704612 |
+386 (0)61 1704610 |
| |
Honorary Member of ISM National Delegate (passive): presidium, commission 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Ass. Prof. Dr. Jian Wang |
Shandong University of Science and Technology 579 Qianwangang Road Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone Shandong Province CHINA |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Erdenebaatar |
Project engineer of SYSEXPL GERMANY |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Dr. Qianxin Wang |
Professor of China University of Mining and Technology CHINA |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dr. Yueguan Yan |
Professor of China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing) CHINA |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Dr. Qiuzhao Zhang |
Professor of China University of Mining and Technology CHINA |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Dr. Zhen Shi |
Chang An University CHINA |
| |
National Delegate (active): commission 3 |
Prof. Dr. Anatoly Okhotin (pass away) |
Irkutsk State Technical University 87, ul. Lermontova 664074 Irkutsk Russia |
+7 914 926 9895 |
+7 3952 526858 |
| |
National Delegate (active): presidium, commission 2, 3 |