International Society for Mine Surveying(ISM)
1.The official name is International Society for Mine Surveying.
2.The international abbreviation is ISM, according to the name International Society for Mine Surveying.
3.ISM is an association of specialists in mine surveying or in the fields belonging therefto.
4.ISM is a non-governmental organisation of category C (MUTUAL INFORMATION RELATIONSHIP) according to theletter of the Director General of UNESCO of June 22nd, 1977.
5.ISM is a permanent member of the World Mining Congress carrying out its activities as an independent internationalorganisaton.
6.ISM is a non profit-nuking organisation.
7.The purpose of ISM is to encourage co-operation in the various fields ofmine surveying by means of:
a. the organisation of scientific congresses;
b. the establishment of commissions for special fields of mine surveying;
c. the fostering and issung of publications, particularly those relating to the congresses and the Commissions
d. co-operation with other International Societies in the fields of mining, geodesy, geology, geophysics, rock mechanics, etc;
e. the fostering of worldwide co-operation in mine surveying by exchanging the students,academic staffs andpractitioners in mine surveying between individual countries.
In order to realise the aims of ISM, National Associatons or sections of mine surveyors in the appropriate specialist organisations should be constituted, unless they already exist. They delegate a member to the ISMPresidium, as a rule.