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The Minutes for 2015 Meeting of Commission IV can be downloaded here.



1. Event

Join meeting of 43rd ISM Presidium and Commissions III and IV.

The joint commission meeting of the ISM commissions IV and VI and 2015 International Academic Forum for Mine Surveying in China.


2. Time

June 24-26, 2015.

October 16-18, 2015.


3. Place

Prague, Czech Republic.

Beijing, China


4. Organizers

43rd ISM Presidium and Commissions III and IV.

China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing).

China Coal Technology & Engineering Group.


5. Agenda

5.1 Agenda for the Join meeting of 43rd ISM Presidium and Commissions III and IV.

5.1.1. The members of the IV Commission joined Conference of Czech Mine Surveying.

5.1.2. The Chairman verified the list of the members of the IV Commission. The members who are inactive or retired were recognized. The new members will be designated by National Mine Surveying Societies.

5.1.3. The social media platform was introduced to the members of the IV commission Linked in).

5.1.4. Call for abstracts for the XVI International Congress for Mine Surveying was announced.

5.1.5. The new proposal of planed future activities of the Commission IV has been presented. The research will be focused on gathering the information concerning assessment of risk related to sinkhole and cave-ins occurrence above shallow mining.

5.2 Agenda for the joint commission meeting of the ISM commissions IV and VI and 2015 International Academic Forum for Mine Surveying in China.

5.2.1. The opening ceremony is hosted by Professor Huayang Dai, Executive Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum, from CUMT-Beijing, member of the IV Commission of the ISM.

5.2.2. Following members of the IV ISM Commission have taken part in the joint meeting (in alphabetical order): a. Prof. Dr. Ryszard Hejmanowski; b. Prof. Dr. Huayang Dai; c. Dr. Huang Leting; d. Dr. Andrew Jarosz; e. Dr. Eng. Agnieszka Malinowska; f. Prof. Dr. Zou Youfeng

5.2.3. During the meeting in China following tasks have been done.

a. Scientific presentation (keynote) during the main session of the 2015 International Academic Forum for Mine Surveying in China have been presented by the chairmen of the ISM commission IV - Ryszard Hejmanowski. The subject of the presentation was: “Modeling of time dependent subsidence for coal and ore deposits”. The conference proceedings collected 70 domestic and foreign papers, covering the mine surveying, mining subsidence, coal mining under buildings, water bodies & railways, land reclamation, deformation monitoring, digital mine, remote sensing, environmental monitoring and other topics.

b. Excursion to the headquarter of the China Coal Technology & Engineering Group – information about the novel technologies in the mining industry in China, geomechanical issues and

scientific tasks as well as the technical solutions solved by the group.

c. Meeting with the Chinese scientists (Prof. Huayang Dai, prof. Ximin Cui). Exchange and discussion about the methods using to modelling of the land subsidence in difficult stratigraphic and tectonic conditions of the rock mass. Presentation of the case studies from China. The exchange of the scientific experiences was one of the main goals of the meeting.

5.2.4. The next commission IV meeting will be held during the XVI congress of the ISM in Brisbane/Australia (Sept. 2016)

5.2.5. Miscellaneous. The outcome of the meeting was the proposal to make efforts to share the scientific and technical experiences between the countries and to publish them.