43rd ISM Presidium Meeting 2015 (Part B) in Beijing (China). Details

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Last update:2021-06-24

I. Call to order

ISM President, Dr Andrew Jarosz, called to order the regular meeting of the ISM Presidium on 24 June 2015 at 9am in the building of Czech Federation of Technical Scientific Societies, Novotného lávka 5, Prague, Czech Republic.

The meeting started at 9:00am on 24 June 2015 at location as above.

Dr Jarosz welcomed all attendees and thanked them for coming to Prague, He also expressed special thanks to the Czech Society of Mine Surveyors & Geologists for hosting and sponsoring this event, as well as, to Martin Vrubel, Jan Blin and Dana Vrublova for their personal involvement.

A Meeting Pack containing documents relevant for the meeting was distributed to attendees (see the Attachment 1)

II. Roll call

According to the signed attendance list the following persons were present (in alphabetical order): Donovan Andersen (m), Norbert Benecke (m), Zengfu Bian (m), Jan Blin (g), Juraj Gašinec (g), Victor Gordeev (m), Zengzhang Guo (g), Istvan Havasi (m), Ryszard Hejmanowski (m), Bingnan Hu (g), Leting Huang, Andrew Jarosz (m), Juri Kashnikov (m), Michael Livingstone-Blevins (hm), Erik Ludvigsen (m), Agnes Malinowska (m), Chris Moy (g), Vo Chi My (m), Kenneth Nyström (m), Axel Preusse (m), Anatoly Okhotin (m), Ralf Schulte (m), Stanislav Topalov (m), Nikolay Valkanov (m), Martin Vrubel (m), Dana Vrublova (g), Jozef Weber (g), Yu Chang Xing (hm), Wenzhan Xing (g), Andrev Zhabko (g).

Note: Presidium members are designated with letter “m”, honorary members with letters “hm” and guests with letter “g”

The original signed list of attendees is included as the Attachment 2.


