The 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting: 2015 (Part B) in Beijing, China

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Last update:2015-11-22

The Minutes for 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting (Session B).


2. Time

16 October 2015


3. Place

Beijing, China


4. Organizers

Chinese ISM
China Coal Society
CUMT Beijing
China Coal Technology and Engineering Group


5. Agenda

5.1.Call to order
5.2.Roll call
5.3.Acceptance of Agenda
5.4.Presentations and discussion
5.4.1.Dr Huang Leting delivered a presentation on “Involvement of Chinese ISM with mining subsidence technology”
5.4.2.Prof Zou Youfeng presented issues of “Mine surveying education in China”.
5.4.3.Dr Xu Liangji announced the “ISM International Academic Forum 2017” that will be held at the Anhui University of Science and Technology, AnhuiProvince,China.
5.4.4.Mr Chris Moy (Chairman of the XVI ISM Congress in Brisbane, Australia)presented the current state of Congress  developments.
5.4.5.Prof Axel Preusse presented the proposals of actions to increase students and young researchers participation in ISM Congresses.
5.4.6.Dr Andrew Jarosz presented application from China Coal Society to become a Corporate (Institutional) Member of ISM. 