The 44th ISM Presidium Meeting: 2016 in Brisbane, Australia

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Last update:2016-09-22

The Minutes for 44th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 44th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

12 -14 September 2016


3. Place

Brisbane, Australia


4. Organizers

Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors


5. Agenda

5.1.Welcome and opening of the 44th ISM Presidium Meeting
5.2.Confirmation of attendees
5.4.Proposal and acceptance of the agenda
5.6.Approval of the Minutes of the 43rd ISM Presidium Meetings
Part A: 24-26 June 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Part B: 16-18 October 2015, Beijing, China
5.7.Matters arising from the Minutes of the 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting
5.8.1.President Report & Correspondence
5.8.2.Commission Reports
Commission 1: Dr Gareth Powell
Commission 2: Prof. Dr. Yuriy Aleksandrovich Kashnikov
Commission 3: (Mr Norbert Benecke)
Commission 4: Prof. Dr. Ryszard Hejmanowski
Commission 5: (Dr Martin Vrubel)
Commission 6: Prof. Zou You Feng 
5.8.3.National reports
5.9.Membership and representation 
5.9.1.Institutional membership: China Coal Society
5.9.2.Country membership: Uzbekistan
5.10.Report on the progress of preparations for future ISM Congresses:
5.10.1.Report on the status of (2016) XVI International ISM Congress in Brisbane, Australia 
5.10.2.Report on preparation for (2019) XVII International ISM Congress  in Irkutsk, Russia. 
5.11.New bids for future congresses
5.11.1.Bid from China
5.11.2.Bid from South Africa 
5.12.Confirmation of future International Congresses and Presidium Meetings 
5.13.Resignations, nominations, acceptance and confirmations of commission chairmen and members
5.14.Proposals of Honorary Membership
5.15.Information regarding international and national events of interest 
5.16.Date and venue of the next ISM Presidium Meeting 