The 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting: 2015 (Part A) in Prague,Czech Republic

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Last update:2015-09-22

The Minutes for 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 43rd ISM Presidium Meeting (Session A).


2. Time

24 -26 June 2015


3. Place

Prague, Czech Republic


4. Organizers

Czech Society of Mine Surveyors & Geologists


5. Agenda

5.1.Call to order
5.2.Roll call
5.3.Acceptance of Agenda
5.6.Approval of minutes from the last meeting (42nd ISM Presidium, 11-13 August 2014, Sydney, Australia)
5.7.Matters arising
5.8.President Report and correspondence
5.9.Membership and Representation
5.10.Congress Reports
Congress 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Congress 2019
5.11.Confirmation of future Presidium Meetings and International Congresses
5.12.Commission reports
Commission I – verbal/written report presented by A. Jarosz on behalf of G. Powell
Commission II – verbal report presented by Prof. Kashnikov (in Russian, translated 
by A. Okhotin).
Commission III – verbal report by N. Benecke
Commission IV – written report prepared by R. Hejmanowski (Attachment 10).
Commission V - verbal report by M. Vrubel
Commission VI – verbal report by Yu Chang Xing
5.13.Feedback re. Yu Chang Xing proposals
5.14.Nominations and confirmations of national representatives, commission chairman and members
5.15.Proposals of Honorary Membership
5.16.National Reports
5.16.1.Germany (by A. Preusse)
5.16.2.Czech Republic (by M. Vrubel)
5.16.3.Hungary (by M. Livingstone-Blevins on behalf of I. Havasi)
5.16.4.Australia (by C. Moy)
5.16.5.Sweden (by K. Nyström)
5.16.6.Vietnam (by Vo Chi My)
5.16.7.South Africa (by Donovan Andersen)
5.16.8.Slovakia (by Juraj Gašinec)
5.16.9.Bulgaria (by Stanislav Topalov)
5.16.10.Russian Republic (by Victor Gordeev)
5.16.11.China (by Hu Bingnam and Zhengfu Bian )
5.17.International events
5.18.ISM Strategic Plan
5.19.Date and venue of the next meeting (Session B)