The 30th ISM Presidium meeting: 2002 in Glamorgan, United Kingdom

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Last update:2002-09-22

The Minutes for 30th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 30th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

September 9 – 13th 2002


3. Place

Glamorgan University, Britain


4. Organizers

Glamorgan University


5. Agenda

5.2.Apologies for absence
5.4.Membership Certificates
5.5.ISM Statutes
5.6.Report on Working Conference of Commission Chairmen
5.7.Report on ACSM – FIG Conference 21st – 24th April 2002
5.8.XIIth International Congress, Fuxin, China, September 2003
5.9.Remembrance of the 11th September 2001
5.10.Reports from Commissions
5.11.Selection and Appointment of New Chairmen for Commission 1 and 2
5.12.The creation of ISM Commission 6
5.13.Awards Committee for Achievements by Young Surveyors
5.14.Appointment of ISM Presidium Honorary Membership
5.15.Presidium Meeting in 2004 and Congress in 2006
5.16.Presidium Meeting in 2005
5.17.Presidium Meeting in 2007
5.18.Presidium Meeting 2008
5.19.The ISM Website
5.20.Reports from Individual Countries
5.21.Future of ISM
5.22.Any Other Business