The 31st ISM Presidium meeting: 2003 in Miskolc, Hungary

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Last update:2003-12-22

The Minutes for 31st ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 31st ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

December 7-11,2003


3. Place



4. Organizers

University of Miskole


5. Agenda

5.1.Opening of the Presidium Meeting
5.2.Apologies for absence and personal notes 
5.3.Acceptance of the proposed agenda for the 31st Presidium Meeting
5.4.Acceptance of new members and confer certifications
5.5.Approval of the minutes of the 30th Presidium Meeting held in September 2002
5.6.Appointment of the new chairman for Commission 2 and Special Commisson(commission 6)
5.7.Reports from the Commission Chairmen
5.8.Establishing the professional Committee choosing the excellent papers from young mining surveyors for the reward of the 12nd Congress
5.9.Website(From tomorrows schedule point 12 is discussed in advance)
5.10.Report on the preparation of the 12nd Congress and Presidential Secretariat’s work in 2003(from point 6)and 11.Due to the influence of “SARS”readjust the year of each Congress and Presidium Meeting after the 12th is discussed together
5.11.The tentative arrangement about the 13th Congress in Hungary
5.12.Report about attending “FIG Working Week Conference”
5.13.Report from individual countries