The 25th ISM Presidium meeting: 1997 in Fremantle, Australia

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Last update:1997-11-22

The Minutes for 25th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 25th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

November 2-6th 1997


3. Place

Fremantle - Australia


4. Organizers

Esplanade Hotel


5. Agenda

5.1.Record of attendance, established quorum and welcome to observers
5.2.Apologies for absence, visitors and observers at the meeting
5.3.Personal notes
5.4.Approval of the minutes of the 24th Session of the Presidium of ISM meeting held in lrkutsk – Russia
5.5.Agenda for the 25th meeting was discussed and agreed
5.6.Acceptance of new members
5.7.Commission Reports
5.7.1.Commission meeting held in Fremantle during the Xth Congress to be reported in Session 26 Ostrava 1998
5.7.2.Other Commission reports tabled for archive inclusion
5.8.Special Committee report on Future of ISM
5.9.Reports were received on planning for
XI ISM Congress in Krakow, Poland
XII ISM Congress in Sun City Sth Africa.
5.10.The 26th Session of the Presidium meeting scheduled to be held in Beijing -Tangsan - China was discussed
5.11.General Business
5.12.General Assembly - Closing Ceremony for the Xth ISM Congress 6th November 1997