The 26th ISM Presidium meeting: 1998 in Ostrava, Tschechien

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Last update:1998-09-22

The Minutes for 26th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 26th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

9th - 11th September 1998


3. Place

Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic


4. Organizers

Mr.Josef Novák and his team


5. Agenda

5.2.Distribution of documents
5.3.Reports about the activity of working Commissions of ISM (1-5)
5.4.Information about the preparation of XI Congress of ISM in Poland in 2000, September 5-9
5.5.Report about the preparation for the changes of Statute of ISM
5.6.Information about the preparation XII Congress of ISM of South Africa
5.7.Information about the preparation the 27th Session of Presidium of ISM in China (1999)
5.8.Information of the representatives of the other member states about present situation and perspectives of the development of the mining and surveying in their countries
5.9.Honorary Membership
5.11.The Proposal of Joining FIG by ISM