The 23rd ISM Presidium meeting: 1995 in Leoben, Austria

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Last update:1995-10-22

The Minutes for 23rd ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 23rd ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

September 19-22, 1995


3. Place



4. Organizers

Mining University


5. Agenda

5.2.Apologies for absences
5.4.Mr. Vender pointed out a mistake in the minutes of the 22nd Session of the Presidium held in Prague in 1994 concerning honorary membership
5.5.Item 14 was missing in the German and English versions of the agenda: Future of ISM
5.6.At the suggestion of Mr. O. Karlsson (Sweden) Mr. Carl Boman(Sweden) was admitted as a member to Commission 3.This was followed by a discussion on ordinary members
5.7.Report on the ISM Commissions
Commission 1 - Report by Mr. Czubik as Vice Chairman, as Mr.Simitsch was heading the meeting of Commission 1 at the same time.
Commission 2 (Chairman: Mr. Preuβe) - Report by Mr. Böhmer
Commission 3 - Report by Mr. Czubik as Vice Chairman, as Mr.Pollmann was heading the session of Commission 3 at the same time
Commission 4 (Chairman: Mr. Drzezla) - Report by Mr. Todorovic and Mr. Pielok
Commission 5 - Chairmanship and Report by Mr. Fafejta
5.8.Mr. G. Bordonne reported on UNESCO activities, particularly on problems concerning the financial support of ISM Congresses by UNESCO
5.9.Mr. J. Fefejta submitted and read aut a report on the IXth Congress in Prague, written and signed by the late President of ISM, Mr. J. Matous, in April 1994.
5.10.Mr. Pivac informed on the establishment of a committee for the X. Congress in Perth, which was organizing the event.
a)Mr. Chwastek informed the participants that all information onthe Xlth Congress in Paland in 2000 had been published in two documentations. But it was stilI too early to give details.
b) Mr. Hatton-Jones from South Africa pointed aut that hiscountry was experiencing a period of transition. In thissituation it was particularly important to have the XII Congress in 2003 in South Africa. Furthermore, Mr. HattonJones invited the members of ISM to come to the Congress of South African Mine Surveyors in mid-October 1995.
5.12.Mr. Navitny in•ormed the delegates that the meeting places planned for the 24th session of the ISM Presidium and the meetings of the various ISM Commissions had been visited in August and that the preliminary program had been worked out together with VOSTSIBUGOL
a)Mr. Karlsson stated that he did not want to submit a report on Sweden.Mr. Bardill reported on the activities of mine surveyors in Great Britain. He suggested to have the Presidium meeting of 2001 in London.
b) Mr. Yakovlev announced that there would be an international conference on "Efficient and Safe Underground Coal Mining on the Basis of the Most Advanced Achievements in Geomechanics",which will be held in St. Petersburg from June 17-21, 1996,and he invited the delegates to participate in this event.
5.14.Mr. Bardill commented on the future of ISM. ISM was at a crossroads, many problems had to be solved. He suggested that a small working group (3 to 4 members) should work out a preliminary paper prior to the Presidium session in Irkutsk in 1996, which should be sent to the Presidium members prior to their session
5.15.President Pivac read aut a letter by the late President Matous of January 26, 1995, in which he described the changes in mine surveying in the Czech Republic concerning IBM archives. Prof.