The 22nd ISM Presldium meeting: 1994 in Prague, Czech Republic

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Last update:1994-05-22

The Minutes for 22nd ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 22nd ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

April 17 and 20, 1994


3. Place

Praha, Czech Republic


4. Organizers



5. Agenda

5.1.Openning ceremony of XXllnd Presidium ISM by occasion of 25th annual of grounding ISM
5.2.Record of attendance, establishment of quorum and welcome to new members and observers
5.3.Apologies of absences
5.4.Personal notes
5.5.Approval of minutes or the 21th Session of the Presidium
5.6.Discussion of the Agenda for the 22st Session of the Presidium
5.7.Acceptance of new members
5.8.Reports from Commision - chairmen. Discussion about the Statute of Commision No. V.
5.9.Report on the IX th Congress 1994 (final).
5.10.Report on the X th Congress 1997
5.11.Proposal from Polland for the XI th Congress 2000
5.12.Proposal for the XXIII nd Presidium in Leoben, September 1995
5.13.Proposal for the venues and dates of Presidium - meetings between IX th and X th Congress
5.14.Reports from individual countries
5.15.Calendar of national meetings 1994
5.16.Ellection of new President ISM for the years 1994 to 1997
5.17.Other business