Call for proposal to establish Professional Groups Under ISM Commission

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Last update:2024-07-02

The International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM) was established in 1969. It is an international non-governmental organization under UNESCO. So far, it has held 18 International Congress for Mine Surveying and 50 presidium meetings. The International Society for Mine Surveying currently has 43 member countries, 6 Commissions and 1 Seed Commission. The executive body of ISM is the General Assembly and the Presidium. According to agreements and discussion of the 50th Presidium Meeting, ISM is calling for proposal to establish several Groups on professional field under each ISM Commission.


1. The definition of Groups on professional field

The Professional Group is a subordinate organization of the ISM Commissions. The aim of Professional Group is to promote the exchange and cooperation of mine surveying related professional fields such as remote sensing, precision surveying instruments, navigation and positioning, digital mines, mining subsidence, land reclamation, mine environment, and underground space.

The composition of the professional group is: 1 head, 1-2 deputy heads, 1 secretary, and several members. Each professional group needs at least five member countries.


2. The procedure to establish Professional Groups

(1) Proposal. Professionals who are currently engaged in a certain professional field with a high level of expertise can conduct extensive contacts and organize a team, and then send the implementation plan of establishing professional group to the ISM Commissions. The main content of the implementation plan should include: the name, aim, personnel composition, and work plan.

(2) Confirmation. Please fill Information form for Professional Group and send it to the ISM Commission Chair, Co-Chair or Secretary, and ISM Coordination Division ( The ISM Commission and ISM Presidium will discuss the implementation plan of the professional group and confirmed during the next Presidium Meeting of ISM, and then select and establish several Professional Groups.


3. The operation of Professional Groups

After the establishment of the Professional Group is confirmed, the certificate of appointment will be awarded by the President of International Society for Mine Surveying. Professional Group should hold activities in various forms at least once a year, report their work to their ISM Commission.


4. Information form

The Information form for Professional Group under ISM can be download here.