XX ISM Congress will take place in Uzbekistan in 2029

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Last update:2024-05-23

ISM Executive Presidium Meeting on 28 February 2024 had confirmed that XX ISM Congress in 2029 will be hold in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


During the 26-29 October 2023, the national representative from Uzbekistan, Prof. Saiyjabbar Sayyidkosimov, had attended the 18th ISM Congress and the 50th Presidium Metting. He had proposed that Uzbekistan may host the XX ISM Congress in 2029. In this February, the ISM Executive Presidium fully agree with the proposal.


Prof. Saiyjabbar Sayyidkosimov gives speech on the 50th Presidium Meeting


The Congress will be held under the slogan “Digital technologies, artificial intelligence and smart surveying” in the cities of Tashkent, Almalyk and Navoi. The organizers of the XX ISM Congress are the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, the Tashkent University of Geological Sciences and the Almalyk branch of "MISIS". The Congress will be supported by: the Ministry of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ashkent State Technical University, Navoi Mining Technological University, University of Geological Sciences, Almalyk branch of the National Research Technological University MISiS of the Russian Federation, mining and metallurgical industry of Uzbekistan - Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company, and Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company plant.


The expected date for the XX ISM Congress is November 2029.



Contact faces:

Saiyjabbar Sayyidkosimov – Chairman of the working group, tel.: +9989712465451, +99893380506, +998900974500; e-mail: sayyidjabbor@yandex.ru;

Islam Khasanov – secretary of the working group, tel.: +998998271564; e-mail: i.xasanov5532@gmail.com;

Albina Nizamova – coordinator of the working group, tel.: +998909723985, +998971556196; e-mail: at.nizamova@gmail.com.