Call for application to host 51th and 52th presidium meeting (Closed)

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Last update:2023-10-14


The International Congress for Mine Surveying is the major scientific event organized under the auspices of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM). The aim of this congress is to bring together international experts to share their work and experiences and to promote research and development in Mine Surveying.

The presidium meeting is hosted by an institution under the auspices of an endorsing ISM member organization. The submission of an application implies full agreement with the guidelines and procedures for hosting the presidium meeting as well as with the ISM constitution.


Deadline and Decisions

The selection of the meeting venue will be made by the ISM Presidium Meeting at ISM 2023 in Xuzhou, China. Institutions interested in organizing 51th and 52th presidum meeting should submit the application to ISM secretariat ( by October 25, 2023.