The 51st ISM Presidium Meeting was successfully held in South Africa

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Last update:2024-10-10

The Institute of Mine Surveyors of Southern Africa, together with the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM), held the 51st ISM Presidium Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa from October 6th to 9th, 2024.


The International Society for Mine Surveying is a non-governmental organization recognized by UNESCO and holds an annual Presidium Meeting. Representatives from various ISM commission, representatives from member countries, and other observers gathered together to discuss matters such as the society's leadership elections, membership applications, award nominations, and congress preparations.


Group photo of some attendees


Prof. Hendrik Grobler, ISM President, welcomes friends from China, Australia, Poland, and Germany at the opening ceremony of this meeting. “I am very grateful for everyone's participation in this meeting, representing the International Society for Mine Surveying. I believe that you can not only gain new ideas and knowledge, but also spread them to others”, said Prof. Hendrik Grobler.


At this meeting, Professor Lei Shaogang, Secretary of ISM Commission I, reported on the progress made by ISM Commission I. He said, “In October 2023, we held an educational sub-forum at the 18th International Congress for Mine Surveying, which was successful with the support of many colleagues. In June 2024, we also held the 2024 International Mining, Energy and Environment Higher Education Alliance and Jiangsu UK High Level University Alliance Summer School event at China University of Mining and Technology”. The chair of ISM Commission I, Professor Bian Zhengfu, added that "education and knowledge dissemination are very important, and we should work together to establish professional journals, textbooks, or other publications for ISM. Prof. Fred Cawood, Chair of ISM Commission II, reported on two webinar‌s held by ISM Commission II over the past year and shared new developments in digital mining. Professor Jörg Benndorf from Germany, the Chair of ISM Commission III, attended the meeting online and nominated Li Jing as the Secretary of ISM Commission III. The Chair of ISM Commission IV, Prof. Ryszard Hejmanowski, and Prof. Agnieszka Malinowska, the Polish national representative of the ISM, jointly reported on the educational and technological exchange activities organized by the Polish Society for Mine Surveying. Prof. Simit Raval, Chair of ISM Commission V said, “In the past year, we have rebuilt our team, which is the most meaningful thing. We have confirmed Professor Li Jing from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) as Co-Chair of ISM Commission V, nominated Prof. Brenda Schladweiler from the United States as Co-Chair Chair, and nominated Dr. Yanhua Fu from China as Secretary”. Professor Zou Youfeng and Liu Changhua, the Chair and Secretary of the ISM Commission Ⅵ, jointly reported on the main activities of the ISM Commission Ⅵ and nominated Uranbaigali Gunpsambuu from Mongolia as Co-Chair. Professor Zhang Kefei, Chair of the ISM Seed Commission, introduced the technological progress of space mining and intelligent mapping.


A technical exchange at the University of Johannesburg


Professor Zheng Nanshan, Director of ISM Coordination Division, reported to the Presidium on the work done in the past year, including website construction, international contacts, and preparation for Presidium meetings. He stated that the ISM Coordination Division has received physical and financial support from China University of Mining and Technology and will continue to serve as a member of ISM.


This meeting confirms that ISM will award the ISM Lifetime Achievement Award, ISM Exceptional Contribution Award, and ISM Young Scientist Award at the International Congress for Mine Surveying held every three years. Candidates can submit their own applications, or be recommended by the Chair of various ISM Commission, or directly nominated by the ISM President or Vice Presidents. The ISM Executive Presidium will confirm the recipients of the award before the International Congress for Mine Surveying. In addition, ISM will award Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies based on peer review on the Congress every three years.


Former President Mr Michael Livingstone Blevins and Professor Huang Leting were also invited to attend the meeting, providing valuable advice for the daily work of ISM. Prof. Hendrik Grobler expressed his high respect to them and highly appreciated their contributions to ISM.


Prior to the presidium meeting, the Chinese delegation had a technical exchange with the University of Johannesburg. Colleagues from the Department of Mining Engineering and Mine Surveying at the University of Johannesburg showcased the advanced underground mining virtual simulation teaching center to visitors. Professor Zhang Qiuzhao from China University of Mining and Technology said, “The measurement robot is impressive, and using virtual simulation as an advanced technology to provide mine surveying education for students is very innovative and practical”.


Leica Geosystem, Reutech Mining, Horts Geo Solutions, Premier Mapping Africa, and OPTRON provided sponsorship for this Presidium Meeting. The members of the presidium had technical exchanges with them.


The next presidium meeting, the 52nd ISM Presidium Meeting, will be held in Poland. Colleagues from AGH University of Krakow have issued a warm invitation and will officially announce it on the official website of ISM.