The 37th ISM Presidium meeting: 2009 in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia

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Last update:2009-10-22

The Minutes for 37th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 37th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

21-26 September 2009


3. Place

Ulaanbaatar and Baganuur, Mongolia 


4. Organizers

Mongolian University of Science and Technology


5. Agenda

5.1.Opening of the 37th Presidium Meeting
5.2.Speech by Prof L Purev, Director–School of Mining Engineering of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology
5.3.Speech by Prof D. Dondov, Member of the ISM Presidium
5.4.Confirmation of Attendees
5.5.Apologies for Absence
5.6.Acceptance of Agenda
5.8.Personal Notes
5.9.Confirmation of Voting Rights (confirmed 36th Presidium Meeting, 2008)
5.10.Approval of the Minutes of the 36th Presidium Meeting held in Kimberley, South Africa
5.11.Approval of the Minutes of the 36th Presidium Meeting held in Kimberley, South Africa
5.12.Admission of New Members
5.13.Proposals of Honorary Membership
5.15.Nominations and acceptance of new members to Commissions
5.16.Relevance of the ISM
5.17.Commission Working Plans and Reports
5.18.Report by the SME Handbook Updating Committee
5.19.Report on Preparations for the XIV International Congress of the ISM to be held in South Africa in 2010
5.20.Confirmation of XV International Congress of the ISM to be held in Germany in 2013
5.21.Confirmation of future Presidium meetings 
2010 – South Africa (confirmed) 
2011 – Germany (confirmed) 
2012 – Russia (confirmation required – otherwise Australia to host) 
2013 – Germany (confirmed) 
2014 – Australia (Western Australia or Queensland)
5.22.Short Reports and Presentations from Representatives of ISM MemberCountries on New and Important Changes Affecting Mining Activities and of the Prospects for Mining and Mine Surveying Development
5.23.Information regarding national events of interest to minerals surveyors (all Presidium Members)
5.24.Date and Place of Next Presidium Meeting