The 36th ISM Presidium meeting: 2008 in Kimberley, South Africa

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Last update:2008-09-22

The Minutes for 36th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 36th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

01 to 05 September 2008


3. Place

Kimberley, South Africa


4. Organizers



5. Agenda

5.1.Opening of the 36th Presidium Meeting
5.2.Confirmation of Attendees
5.3.Apologies for Absence
5.4.Acceptance of Agenda
5.6.Confirmation of Voting Rights
5.7.Admission of New Members
5.8.Proposals of Honorary Membership
5.10.Approval of Minutes of the 35th Presidium Meeting
5.11.Report by the Language Committee
5.12.Nominations and Acceptance of New Members to Commissions
Commission 1  Stephan Stocks (Germany)
Commission 2  No new nominations received.E Ludvigsen informed the meeting that he would join Commission 2. 
Commission 3  Norbert Benecke (Germany)
András Ládai (Hungary)
Zoltán Tóth (Hungary)
Commission 4  Alex Bals (South Africa)
Wojciech Skoblinski (Poland)
Jan Blachowski (Poland)
Agnieszka Malinowska (Poland)
Commission 5  Recruiting in progress. M Vrubel to report.
Commission 6  No new nominations received.
5.13.Commission Working Plans and Reports
5.14.Report on Preparations for the XIVth International Congress, 2010
5.15.Country Reports, Presentations and Information Regarding National Events of Interest (Agenda Items 17 and18 combined)
5.16.Date and Place of Next Presidium Meeting
5.17.Relevance of the ISM
5.18.Presidium meeting – 2011 and XV th International Congress – 2013
5.19.2012 Presidium Meeting Host Proposals
Russia Prof Okhotin to discuss with Prof Popov 
Chile Mr Livingstone-Blevins to establish contact
Botswana Mr Bals to discuss with colleagues in Botswana
Australia Dr Jarosz to discuss with colleagues in Australia
USA Prof Hart to discuss with colleagues in USA