The 28th ISM Presidium meeting: 2000 in Krakow, Poland

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Last update:2000-09-22

The Minutes for 28th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 28th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

September 4-th and 7-th 2000


3. Place

Cracow, Poland


4. Organizers



5. Agenda

5.1.Opening of the 28-th ISM Presidium Meeting
5.2.Confirmation of the Minutes of the 27-th ISM Presidium Meeting in Taian
5.3.Changes in the Presidium membership
5.4.Proposal of grant the honorary membership for Hans Jurgen Palm
5.5.Proposal for concluding the co-operation contract between FIG and ISM
5.6.The ISM Banner
5.7.The ISM Statute
5.8.Information about the preparations for the XII ISM Congress in China
5.9.Information about the ISM Working Committees’ activities
5.10.The succeeding ISM Presidium Meetings
5.11.The new ISM authorities