ISM 2023 Young Scientist Award—Open for Application (Closed)

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Last update:2023-10-01

The ISM Young Scientist Award is established by the 49th Presidium Meeting of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM). It is given to no more than 10 young scientists in the field of mining surveying in recognition of their outstanding early career achievements.



(1)The candidate is not required to be an ISM member but must be under 40 years of age.

(2)The candidate engages in research on one of the following topics:

Mine Surveying Education and Training, Disciplinary Development

Digitalization of Mine and Mineral Resource

Mine Surveying and Mapping Equipment and Technology including GNSS, Lidar, UAV, etc.

Mining Subsidence and Disaster Monitoring

Ecological Environment Monitoring and Governance in Mining Areas

Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration in Mining Areas

Sustainable Development in Mining Areas

Remote Sensing of Mining & Mineral Utilization

Mine Geological Environment Detection Technology

Underground Space Surveying


Evaluation Materials

The candidate's curriculum vitae, including name, address and email, education experience, research experience, photo, etc (in English, WORD format).

A statement of the candidate’s contributions and impact of academic research of no more than 200 words (in English, WORD format).

List of no more than five representative publications (in English, WORD format).

First pages of representative publications (PDF format).

Please send Materials to


Important Dates

October 22, 2023, the deadline for submitting application materials is.

October 24, 2023, the list of valid candidates was announced.

October 25-28, 2023, material review.

On the evening of October 28, 2023, the selection results and awards were announced at the closing ceremony of the 18th International Congress for Mine Surveying.



Prof Qin Kai, China University of Mining and Technology, Tel: +8615950663287, Email:

Ass. Prof. Yang Yongjun, China University of Mining and Technology, Tel: +8613952201264, Email:



International Society for Mine Surveying

Organizing Committee of The XVIII International Congress for Mine Surveying