National Championship "Wisdom Skills" was held in the Moscow leisure-educational complex

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Last update:2021-06-25

“Wise Skills” is a new direction for WorldSkills for professionals over 50 years old championships, the final of which will be preceded by a series of regional qualifying competitions next year. The first final of the National Championship "Wisdom Skills" will be held in the Moscow leisure-educational complex "Tehnograd" at ENEA from September 22 to September 23, 2018. More than 130 contestants aged from 50 years demonstrated their skills in 26 WorldSkills competencies.

Bronze medalists of WorldSkills "Wisdom Skills" became Alexander Zagibalov and Larisa Sheshukova


Alexander Zagibalov, Professor of the Department of Surveying and Geodesy, and Larisa Sheshukova, Head of the Department Laboratories, took the third place in the WorldSkills “Wise Skills” standards. The main goal of the championship is to demonstrate professional longevity and competitiveness of experienced professionals, as well as to show their ability to learn and retrain.

A graduate of INRTU, Professor Alexander Zagibalov has been working at a higher education institution for more than 30 years. His research interests are related to mathematical analysis and mathematical statistics. The professor reads courses in higher geodesy, subsoil geometry, mining law, etc.

Alexander Zagibalov said that WorldSkills is an excellent platform for demonstrating skills and abilities, sharing experience at the All-Russian level:

“Five teams participated in the competition. The tests were divided into three modules: performing surveys on the ground, carrying out design points and determining the volume of the embankment. The survey was carried out using a Leica Geosystems robotic total station. The difficulty was that we did not use this modification of the device in practice and familiarized ourselves with the total station functionality only on the eve of the tournament. However, despite this, our team successfully coped with the task. Larisa Vitalyevna and I scored more than 60 points, only 0.8 points behind the silver medalists. Our rivals were teachers from Moscow. ”

As Larisa Sheshukova explained, the “Geodesy” competence competition was held in conditions close to the real production site. Professor Alexander Zagibalov conducted a master class on the introduction of BIM technologies in mining for participants of the Championship of working professions. Head of the Department of Surveying and Geodesy - President of the International Union of Surveyors Anatoly Okhotin emphasizes that if you received education for life, you need education throughout life in the modern world:

“Despite the great length of service and all kinds of regalia, a person must constantly enrich himself with new knowledge and new experience. We are trying to instill this faculty and student perspective on professional development and development. ”

According to the head of the vocational education department of the Irkutsk Region Education Ministry Anastasia Getmanskaya, Priangarya has been participating in WorldSkills movement for three years now:


“And we have something to be proud of. For example, this summer, guys from the Irkutsk region became silver medalists of the VI National Championship "Young Professionals". It is gratifying that the championship is now available for the older generation. And this means that new victories are ahead. ”


INRTU is an associate partner of the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Manpower“ Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia). In October last year, competitions in eight competencies of the Worldskills Russia qualifying championship were organized at the university. More than 40 students from IRNITU, as well as Irkutsk technical schools and colleges, became participants in professional competitions. The Worldskills standards tasks were performed by ten future surveyors and surveyors of 3-4 courses.

Larisa Sheshukova, who believes that the WorldSkills Russia National Championship is a chance for young people to achieve world standards in the profession, become the main expert in the competence of Geodesy.