38th ISM Presidium meeting 2010 in Sun City (South Africa) Details..

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Last update:2021-06-24

 Special Note:

The 38th Presidium Meeting was held over a three day period to fit in with the programme of the XIV International Congress.

For this reason, the meeting was kept short and focussed, with some Presidium members being absent from certain meeting sessions.

38th Presidium Meeting Briefing – 20 September 2010 Mr Livingstone-Blevins welcomed all members and guests and thanked them for travelling to South Africa. He explained that to accommodate the XIV International Congress, the Presidium meeting would need to be concluded on the nights of 21 and 22 September 2010. He requested all Presidium members to adequately prepare for a short and effective meeting. Times, venue and the agenda for the meeting were confirmed.

1. Opening of the 38th Presidium Meeting – 21 and 22 September 2010

     Mr Livingstone welcomed all Presidium members and guests to the meeting and reminded all that the meeting would need to brief and effective. He introduced and welcomed new members and guests, namely; Dr Gareth Powell (UK – successor to Mr G Bardill), Mr Norbert Benecke (Germany – newly appointed Chairman of Commission 3), Prof Topalov (Bulgaria), Mr Nyström (Sweden) and Professor Fred Cawood, President of the Institute of Mine Surveyors of South Africa. Attendees were requested to introduce themselves to the meeting, stating their country of origin and ISM membership status.



2010SunCity.pdf 2010SunCityReport-Australia.pdf 2010SunCityReport-China.pdf
2010SunCityReportCommission1.pdf 2010SunCityReportCommission4.pdf 2010SunCityReport-Poland.pdf
2010SunCityReport-SME-Handbook.pdf 2010SunCityReport-SouthAfrica.pdf 2010SunCityReport-Sweden.pdf
2010SunCityReport-UK.pdf Agenda-38thPresidium Meeting(South Afica)rev00.pdf Agenda-38th-PresidiumMeeting(SouthAfica)-rev00.pdf
FoundingAndFunctioningOfTheISM.pdf GeneralInvitation-Presidium2010.pdf