46th Presidium meeting was held on May 10-12 2018 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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Last update:2021-06-17

1. The maximum volume of an article, as a rule, is not more than 8 pages of text.

2. The number of authors of an article, as a rule, should not exceed three from one organization and eight from several organizations.

3. Before the title of the article it is necessary to indicate the code according to the Universal Decimal Literature Classification (UDC).

4. The article should include a title, annotations in English and Uzbek (if the text of the thesis is in Russian), in English and Russian (if the text of the thesis is in Uzbek) and in Russian and Uzbek (if the thesis is in English) authors (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and title, position held and place of work).

5. An expert opinion (a scanned version) on the possibility of publishing an article should be attached to the electronic version of the article.

6. The article and the expert conclusion made in a format of the text editor Word for Windows can be transferred on e-mail: sayyidjabbor@yandex.ru

The deadline for granting the full text of the article is February 1, 2018 (01.02.2018)

The rules for the design of the text part.

The article should be typed in A4 format, in the text editor Word for Windows. Font: Times New Roman, font size 12. Fields: top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2.5 cm, left: 1.0 cm, right: 1.0 cm. All pages of the text are numbered. The title of the article is printed in capital letters and should accurately and concisely reflect its content. Then, through one line, the initials and surnames of authors, professions, the name of the organization, academic degree, two lines later - the text of the article. With the frequent use of lengthy expressions, names, terms, their abbreviated designation is possible; it is entered (in parentheses) at the first mention. Without explanation, only standard word abbreviations (EMF, EFFICIENCY, etc., gg.) Are allowed. Units of measurement in the article should be expressed in SI units in accordance with the State Standard.

All tables in the text should have names and end-to-end numbering. The reduction of words in the graphs and outlines of tables is not allowed, you should not include in the articles bulky tables that can not be reproduced in the format of the journal. The literature sources used in the article should be submitted to the general list at the end. In the text references to the mentioned literature are mandatory; references are given in square brackets. Numbering of sources goes in the sequence of mention in the text. All bibliographic information should be carefully checked. References to unpublished works are not allowed. Avoid unnecessarily detailed references to the author's own work).

All equations must be typed in the formula editor.

Rules for registration of the graphic part.

Graphic material should be organically linked to the topic of the article, a reference to the figure number is made in the text, a captive caption is required. line drawings (drawings) should be clear, clear in all details. the drawing serves as an illustration to the text, helps to clarify the essence of the question, therefore only information that directly relates to the foregoing is needed, the author must eliminate the optional projections, cuts, sections and other elements not related to the text. Numbering should only those parts, which are referenced in the text. The photographs attached to the article should be as elaborate and fine-grained as possible. The symbols in the pictures are marked in the same way as in the text