The 39th ISM Presidium meeting: 2011 in Freiberg, Germany

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Last update:2011-10-22

The Minutes for 39th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 39th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

26-29 September 2011


3. Place

Freiberg, Germany


4. Organizers

The Faculty for Geosciences, Geotechnical Sciences and Mining


5. Agenda

5.1.Opening of the 39th Presidium Meeting – 26 and 27 September 2011
5.2.Confirmation of Attendees
5.3.Apologies for Absence
5.4.Acceptance of Agenda
5.6.Personal Notes
5.7.Confirmation of Voting Rights
5.8.Approval of the Minutes of the 38th Presidium-Meeting – South Africa 2010
5.9.Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 38th Presidium-Meeting
5.10.Admission of New Members
5.11.Correspondence and Cooperation with National Institutions
5.12.Cooperation with National Institutions
5.13.Report on the 15th International ISM-Congress Preparation to be held 2013 in Aachen, Germany
5.14.Confirmation of future International Congress and Presidium-Meetings
2012 – St. Petersburg/Russia, Sep 10-13 (confirmed)
2013 – 15th ISM-Congress; Germany (confirmed)
2014 – Australia (confirmation required)
2015 – Ukraine or USA (connected with joint commission session; 
confirmation required)
2016 – 16th ISM-Congress; Brisbane/ Australia 
(confirmed, see official Brochure on ISM-website)
2017 – Ukraine or Russia (confirmation required)
2018 – ? 
2019 – 17th ISM-Congress; Ukraine or Russia (confirmation required)
5.15.Election of the new Vice-President
5.16.Proposals of Honorary Membership
5.17.Nominations and acceptance of new members to Commissions
5.18.Commission Reports
Commission 1
Dr Schulte gave a report about the joint meeting in Freiberg in May 2011. (See 
website for the Commission 1, 3, 4 and 5 joint report.)
Commission 2
No report or correspondence received.
Commission 3
Dr Schulte gave a report about the joint meeting in Freiberg in May 2011. (See 
website for the Commission 1, 3, 4 and 5 joint report.)
Commission 6
Written report provided by Prof Yu. To avoid misunderstandings, Prof Yu will be 
asked to present his report on the next Presidium-Meeting.
Prof Okhotin as member of Commission 6 gave a brief report on the work of 
Commission 6 in 2010/2011.
5.19.Report on the SME Handbook
5.20.Short Reports and Presentations from Representatives of ISM MemberCountries on New and Important Changes Affecting Mining Activities and of the Prospects for Mining and Mine Surveying Development in their respective countries
5.21.Information regarding national events of interest to minerals surveyors (all Presidium Members)
5.22.Date and Place of Next Presidium-Meeting