The 34th ISM Presidium meeting: 2006 in Leoben, Austria

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Last update:2006-11-22

The Minutes for 34th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 34th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

1-3 NOVEMBER, 2006


3. Place



4. Organizers



5. Agenda

5.1.The Opening ceremony of the 34th ISM Presidium Meeting
5.2.Report of Dr Kálmán Barátosi (Hungary), President of ISM, on the new ISM symbol
5.3.Report of Ass. Prof. Gerhard Mayer, Member of ISM Presidium (Austria) about the main scientific lines in development of Montanuniversität Leoben and its special aspect of mine surveying
5.4.Adoption of the Minutes of the 33rd ISM Presidium Meeting held in Ukraine in 2005
5.5.Report of Prof Yu Changxing (China), ISM Vice President, Honorary Member of ISM,about the FIG Conference, Ghana, 2006\
5.6.Report of Mr. Carl Vender (USA), ISM Presidium Member, on the Orlando Conference,USA, 2006.
5.7.Acceptance of new members and confirmation of membership in the ISM Presidium
5.8.Schedule of forthcoming Presidium Meetings and Congresses of ISM
5.9.Report of Dr Barátosi Kálmán (Hungary), President of ISM, on the realization ofdecisions 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 of the 33rd ISM Presidium Meeting
5.10.Discussion on the working languages of ISM
5.11.Report of Dr István Havasi, Director of XIII ISM Congress, on the details of the Congress program
5.12.Establishing the Awarding Committee of the XIII ISM Congress for excellent young authors
5.13.Reports by the Commission Chairmen about their works
5.14.Information presented by ISM Presidium Member of Ukraine on compiling a reference book on the history of ISM
5.15.Reports from representatives of ISM member-countries on the mining activities and prospects for mining and mine surveying development in their countries
5.16.Discussion of the preparation of the List of ISM Presidium Members accompanied by their photos and contact details
5.17.Subsidiary issues and proposals
5.18.Technical visit:
5.19.Visit the Mining Conference in Leoben
5.20.Adoption of decisions made by the 34th ISM Presidium Meeting
5.21.Grand closing of the 34th ISM Presidium Meeting.