The 19th ISM Presidium meeting: 1992 in Malberget, Sweden

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Last update:1992-07-22

The Minutes for 19th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 19th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

June 21 - 26, 1992


3. Place

Malmberget, Sweden


4. Organizers

Nordic Mine Surveying Committee


5. Agenda

5.1.Record of attendance, establishment of quorum and welcome to new members and observers
5.2.Apologies for absences
5.3.Personal notes
5.4.Approval of the Minutes of the 18th Session of the presidium
5.5.Discussion of the Agenda for the 19th Session at the presidium
5.6.Acceptance of new members
5.7.Information Regarding Commissions
5.8.Report on activities with UNESCO
5.9.Report on the VIIIth Congress
5.10.Report on the IXth Congress
5.11.Report on the Xth Congress
5.12.Proposal from Poland for the XIth Congress
5.13.Reports from individual countries, calendar of meetings
5.14.Future direction of ISM and Secretariat
5.15.Other business