The 15th ISM Presidium meeting: 1988 In Leningrad, Russia

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Last update:1988-08-22

The Minutes for 15th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 15th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

June 27, 1988


3. Place



4. Organizers

The Organizing Committee ISM-88


5. Agenda

5.1.Establishment of the presence and confirmation of a quorum.
5.2.Apologies of the absent Presidium members
5.3.Approval of the Protocol of XIV meeting of ISM Presidium
5.4.Admission of new members to ISM
5.5.Report on the activities of ISM-Commissions
5.6.Report on acknowledgement of ISM by UNESCO
5.7.Discussion of amendments and changes to the Statutes of ISM
5.8.Decision on place and date of conductance of IX ISM-Congress
5.9.Reports of the national mine surveying organizations on their activities and the arrangements for 1988-1989
5.10.Report on the organization of the VII ISM-Congress
5.11.Information on preparation for VIII ISM-Congress