The 9th ISM Presidium meeting: 1983 in Heme, Germany

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Last update:1983-09-22

The Minutes for 9th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 9th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

June 14-15, 1983


3. Place

Herne, Federal Republic of Germany


4. Organizers



5. Agenda

5.1.Confirmation of the presence of the praesidium an Quorum
5.2.Apologies for Absence
5.3.Approval of the Minutes of the 8th Session held in Varna
5.4.Admittance of new members
5.5.Report on the 5th Symposium held in Varna, Bulgaria from 19th to 25th September, 1982
5.6.Report on the commission meetings held at the 5th Symposium
5.7.Creation of Sixth Commission and Nomination of Chairman and Committee
5.8.Discussion on Review of Statutes
5.9.Report on the meeting of the Joint Board of IAG - FIG - ISPRS - ICA - ISM held on 29th September, 1982
5.10.Discussion on the possible site of ISM archives
5.11.Information reparding national events of interest to mineral surveyors during the coming year
5.12.Report on progress of arrangements for 6th Symposium
5.13.Discussion on whether the next symposium should be called a Symposium or a Congress
5.14.Proposal for setting up a 7th Commission
5.15.Date an Place of next Praesidium Meeting\
5.16.Any other business