The 6th ISM Presidium meeting: 1981 in London, United Kindom

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Last update:1981-04-21

The Minutes for 6th ISM Presidium Meeting can be downloaded here.



1. Event

The 6th ISM Presidium Meeting.


2. Time

March 10-12, 1981


3. Place

 London., United Kindom


4. Organizers

The Royal lnstitution of Chartered Surveyors


5. Agenda

5.1.Confirmation of the members present at the Praesidium and the countries they represent, and confirmation of the presence of a quorum at the Praesidium
5.2.Approval of the Minutes of the 5th meeting of the Praesidium of ISM, which met from 26th to 30th May,1980 in Leningrad
5.3.Information concerning the preparations for the Fifth International Symposium for Mine Surveying, to be held in the PR Bulgarian from 19th to 26th September 1982
5.4.lnformation on the work of the five ISM commissions covering different aspects of mine surveying; reports on plane for future work by these commissions
5.5.Admittance of new members to the 1nternational Society for Mine Surveying
5.6.Nominations and acceptance of new members of the specialist commissions of ISM
5.7.Information about national activities in mine surveying during the period 1981-83
5.8.Information and addresses of Colleges, Universities, Research Organisations, Government Departments and Professional Societies. Any other Business with departments dealing with mine surveying, mineral production and geology
5.9.Place and date of the next Sitting of the Praesidium