20th ISM Congress: 2029 in Uzbekistan

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Last update:2024-07-02

1. Event

The XX International Congress for Mine Surveying.


2. Time

November 2029.


3. Place

Tashkent, Almalyk and Navoi, Uzbekistan.


4. Organizers

Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov

Tashkent University of Geological Sciences and the Almalyk branch of "MISIS"


5. Supporters

Ministry of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent State Technical University

Navoi Mining Technological University

University of Geological Sciences

Almalyk branch of the National Research Technological University

MISiS of the Russian Federation

Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company

Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine Joint Stock Company plant


6. Theme

Digital technologies, artificial intelligence and smart surveying


7. Contact

Saiyjabbar Sayyidkosimov – Chairman of the working group, tel.: +9989712465451, +99893380506, +998900974500; e-mail: sayyidjabbor@yandex.ru;

Islam Khasanov – secretary of the working group, tel.: +998998271564; e-mail: i.xasanov5532@gmail.com;

Albina Nizamova – coordinator of the working group, tel.: +998909723985, +998971556196; e-mail: at.nizamova@gmail.com.

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Last19th ISM Congress: 2026 in South Africa