Li Zengke

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Last update:2024-06-01


Li Zengke




China University of Mining and Technology





He have achieved important research results in the multi-source sensor collaboration platform, robust data fusion algorithm and multi-scenario seamless positioning system. He established the Joint Laboratory for International Cooperation on Mine Spatial Geographic Information with the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa to promote the international promotion and application of research achievements and helped South Africa build the first Beidou CORS station network. Moreover, he won the second prize of the Science Research Famous Achievement Award in Higher Institution of China (Science and Technology) (Ministry of Education Science and Technology Award) and other awards.


Featured Publications:

1.GPS/INS/Odometer Integrated System Using Fuzzy Neural Network for Land Vehicle Navigation Applications

2.PPP/INS tightly coupled navigation using adaptive federated filter

3.Motion model—assisted GNSS/MEMS—IMU integrated navigation system for land vehicle

4.An Improved Multiple-Outlier Robust Filter Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Integrated Navigation

5.Variable dB Bayesian adaptive filter optimization algorithm considering integrated navigation closed-loop feedback



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