Nisha Bao

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Last update:2024-06-01


Bao Nisha




Northeastern University





She has over 10 years experience on mined land reclamation monitoring and assessment using remote sensing technology.  Since 2013, as a role of project investigator, she undertook five national projects and eight mining industries projects.  Also, as a duty, she participated two national key research and development programs of China about green mine monitoring.  Her research interest focused on reclaimed soil spectroscopy, mined land mapping and change detection, environmental assessment.  She has published more than 25 peer-reviewed papers with approximately 289 citations in the top journals like: Geoderma, Catena and Remote Sensing as the first or corresponding author.  She gained 10 academic awards and 5 teaching awards in mine reclamation and remote sensing area.


Featured Publications:

1. Bao N, Wu L, Ye B, et al. Assessing soil organic matter of reclaimed soil from a large surface coal mine using a field spectroradiometer in laboratory[J]. Geoderma, 2017,288: 47-55. (Q1, IF: 6.1, Citation: 78)

2. Bao N, Liu S, Zhou Y. Predicting particle-size distribution using thermal infraredspectroscopy from reclaimed mine land in the semi-arid grassland of North China[J].Catena, 2019, 183: 104190. (Q1, IF: 6.2, Citation: 11)

3. Bao N S, Li W W, Gu X W, et al. Biomass Estimation for Semiarid Vegetation and Mine Rehabilitation Using Worldview-3 and Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(23): 20. (Q1, IF: 5, Citation: 20)

4. Bao N, Lei H, Cao Y, et al. Iron Ore Tailing Composition Estimation Using Fused Visible–Near Infrared and Thermal Infrared Spectra by Outer Product Analysis[J]. Minerals, 2022, 12(3): 382. (Q2)

5. Bao N, Liu S, Yang T, et al. Characterization and prediction of soil organic matter content in reclaimed mine soil using visible and near-infrared diffuse spectroscopy[J]. Arid Land Research and Management, 2021, 35(3): 276-291. (Q2)



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