18th ISM Congress: 26-29th October, 2023 in China

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Last update:2023-11-01

1. Event

The XVIII International Congress for Mine Surveying, in conjunction with the Seminar on the 70th Anniversary of Mining Surveying in China


2. Time

October 26th to 29th, 2023.


3. Place

Xuzhou, Beijing and Shanghai, China


4. Organizers

China University of Mining and Technology

China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)

Henan Polytechnic University

Anhui University of Technology

Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Coal Science Transparent Geological Technology Co., Ltd.

Hexconn Surveying and Geographic Information System (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.


5. Supporters

World Mining Congress

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

International Association of Geodesy

International Cartographic Association

Society of Mining Professors


6. Theme

Smart Surveying and Mapping, Green Mines

The themes of the ISM Congress address the following topics:
International Mine Surveying Education and Training, Disciplinary Development
Digitalization of Mine and Mineral resource
New Equipment and Technological Development of Surveying and Mapping
Mining Subsidence and Disaster Monitoring
Geological and Ecological Environment Monitoring and Governance
Sustainable Development and Comprehensive Utilization of Resources
Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration in Mining Areas
Remote Sensing of Mining & Mineral Utilization
Architecture and Urban Underground Space
New Development and Innovative Applications of GNSS
Contemporary Geospatial Science and Technology and Its Role in Future Mining
International Young Scholar Forum


7. Announcement before congress

Announcement for ISM 2023 can be download here.


8. Program

Program for ISM 2023 can be download here.


9. Congress proceeding

ISM 2023 Congress Proceeding can be download here.


10. News and Report

Report of ISM 2023 Congress can be found here.


11. Photos


Main venue


 Parallel seesions


Technical exhibitions