The 47th ISM Presidium Meeting: 2019 in Irkutsk, Russia

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Last update:2019-10-01

The Minutes for 47th ISM Presidium Meeting is not available.



1. Event

The 47th ISM Presidium Meeting


2. Time

The Presidium meeting was held simultaneously with the XVII International Congress for Mine Surveying.


3. Place

Irkutsk, Russia.


4. Organizers

Irkutsk National Research Technical University.


5. Agenda

5.1. Welcome and opening of the 47th ISM Presidium Meeting

5.2. Confirmation of attendees

5.3. Apologies

5.4. Proposal and acceptance of agenda

5.5. Obituaries

5.6. Approval of the Minutes of the 47th ISM Presidium Meeting held 2017 in Norway, Trondheim

5.7. Matters arising from the 47th ISM Presidium Meeting

5.8. Correspondence

5.8.1 Activities of ISM President

5.8.2 Report of Summer School 2018

5.9. Membership and representation (National reports of potential members of ISM)

5.9.1 Report from Albania

5.10. Reports on the progress of preparations for the future ISM Congresses

5.10.1. An early report on the progress of preparations for the 2022 ISM Congress in Beijing, China

5.11. Confirmation of the future International Congresses and Presidium Meetings

5.11.1 The choice of the future international congress in 2025

5.12. Proposals of Vice President

5.13. Commission Reports

5.13.1. Report from Australia

5.13.2. Report from Poland

5.13.3. Report from China

5.14. Nominations, confirmations and acceptance of commission chairman and members

5.15. Proposals of Honorary Membership

5.16. National reports of members

5.17. Information regarding international and national events of interest

5.18. Discussion of Strategic Plan

5.19. Date and venue of the next ISM Presidium Meeting (2022)

5.20. Miscellaneous

5.21. Closure