17th ISM Congress: 26-30th September, 2019 in Russia

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Last update:2019-10-02

1. Event

The XVII International Congress for Mine Surveying


2. Time

September 26th to 30th, 2019.


3. Place

Irkutsk, Russia


4. Organizers

Irkutsk National Research Technical University in Russia


5. Supporters

Hexagon’s Geosystems


6. Theme

The themes of the ISM Congress address the following topics:
The technologies for mineral deposits development
Prediction and monitoring of geomechanical and geodynamic processes while developing the deposits by means of underground method and constructiong underground facilities
Prediction and monitoring of geomechanical and geodynamic processes while developing the deposits by means of opencast mining method
Mine surveying and geodetic backup for the development of hydrocarbon deposits
Industrial safety, resources conservation and environmental protection
Usage of geoinformational technologies while deposits development, technological processes modeling
The economy of mine surveying projects. New energy resources, their mine surveying and geodetic backup


7. Announcement before congress

Announcement for ISM 2019 can be download here.


8. Photos

Main venue


Tchnical exhibitions